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Zucchini-Potato Soup (click here for recipe)
To create Two-Tone effect when serving:
Fill one with hot sweet potato soup, another with zucchini-potato soup. Using both hands simultaneously--start pouring from outer edges at opposite sides--until they meet in the middle and you have a full plate of two-tone soup. (sounds more complicated than it is
but it's
VERY simple.)
To add an artistic touch, I either zigzag with the edge of fork through the center... or put drops of contrasting soup, on either side. (squash on sweet potato and vice versa.)
Poster's Notes:
Posted by Sara Sicherman
Nutritional Info Per Serving: N/A
Sweet Potato Soup (click here for recipe)
Use two cups with handles to make it easier.
Here's a really great soup recipe, a TWO-TONE cream of zucchini and sweet potato soup. It's pretty easy to make... It ALWAYS gets raves both for presentation and taste. Very versatile. Each soup is delicious on its own... (I like it cold too...)