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1 lb. (500g) fresh rhubarb
1 whole seedless orange
sugar or any sweetener to taste
Cut rhubarb into 1/2" (1cm) chunks.
Cut orange, skin and all, into about 8 wedges and place on top of rhubarb in a stainless or other non-reactive pot. Add 1/2" (1.5cm) water (do not add sweetener at this time).
Bring to boil and reduce heat. Simmer gently only until rhubarb is soft.
Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Remove orange wedges, and scrape off pulp. Cut pulp into small pieces and discard skin. Return pulp to pot and stir into rhubarb. Add sugar or sweetener to taste. Chill.
Poster's Notes:
Just ate the most glorious dish of stewed rhubarb, made in desperation with another load from the garden (I have already frozen enough for 11 pies!)
Posted by Eleanor Jourard
Nutritional Info Per Serving: N/A