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1-1/2 cups long grain rice such as Basmati or jasmine or Texmati or your preference
Rinse the rice in a colander, then let soak in warmish water from 1 hour to overnight or a little longer, rinse just before cooking. Melt the butter in a large saucepan with a tight cover over medium to medium-high heat, add the rinsed uncooked noodles and saute until light brown (watch carefully, they can burn in a second).
Quickly add the drained, rinsed again rice, mix to combine and cook a few moments stirring.
Add the soup stock then the salt, onion, bell pepper, parsley, and garlic, mix then let cook until the soup stock almost evaporates leaving "craters" in the top of the rice.
Immediately place under the pot a trivet or an empty skillet, cover the pot, turn down the heat as much as possible (just above warm), let sit about 20 minutes, uncover to test if the rice has softened enough. Try the rice from a little under the top as the top will be the last to soften. If the rice has softened, add the additional 1 tablespoon butter, mix to combine, cover and let sit until ready to serve.
Or if not softened, re-cover the pot and continue cooking.
You will have excellent tasting, separated grains, the best rice ever. Remove the vegetables and discard.
To serve, place each serving in a custard cup or small souffle dish, pack well, then unmold onto each plate. Garnish with a small parsley sprig on each serving.
Poster's Notes:
The following may seem not easy the first time but I promise if you follow the directions, you will have enviable rice.
Regarding the soup stock, please don't use water instead. It won't be the same. Vegetable stock is acceptable.
Posted by Elena Eder
Nutritional Info Per Serving: N/A
About 1/2 to 3/4 cup thin egg noodles, rinsed
1/2 stick (4 tablespoons) butter, plus 1 tablespoon additional
About 2 cups soup stock
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 onion, in one piece
1/4 green or red bell pepper, in one piece
A few stalks parsley, not chopped
1 clove garlic, peeled, but not chopped
Do not substitute for the butter. The more butter the better.