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2 eggs
1/2 tsp. sugar
1/2 cup water
1-1/4 cups matzo meal
1/2 cup chicken fat or oil, melted
Beat the eggs slightly. Add the chicken fat, water, and seasonings and beat again. Stir in the matzo meal.
Allow to stand for a few hours in the refrigerator. Make balls the size of golf balls using wet hands. Place in boiling water.
Wait for all the balls to rise boiling rapidly then cover the pot and turn down to low heat for 45 minutes.
Poster's Notes:
In their newsletter, the Inbal Hotel says that their Pesach Seder was so attended that they had to turn away many people. Their executive chef Itzik Mizrachi prepared the matzo balls from the recipe of the wife of the general manager, Hadassah Sanders and that they received so many requests for the recipe that they published it.
Posted by Elena Eder
Nutritional Info Per Serving: N/A