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Strudel/Knish Dough (P, TNT)
Source: Unknown
Serves: Varies

1 egg
1/4 cup oil
3/4 cup water
1 tsp. vinegar
2-1/2 cups flour

Beat all of the ingredients until smooth. Add more flour (approximately 1/2 cup) to make a smooth and satiny dough.

Let stand covered for 15 minutes to rest. Divide dough into 4 pieces and roll each piece out as thin as possible. Place a favorite strudel or knish filling along a long side of the dough. Roll up like a jellyroll.

For Strudel: pinch ends to seal then slip onto a baking sheet.

For Knishes: divide into individual pieces using the side of your hand to cut off each piece, pulling slightly. Tuck the ends into the center to seal.

Place on baking sheet. Bake at 425°F for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

Freezes well.

Poster's Notes:
This is a recipe I have used for many years, always with success.

Posted by Lorri Lewis

Nutritional Info Per Serving: N/A