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1 liter milk
8 eggs
8 tbsp. sugar
1/4 tsp. vanilla
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
Make Caramel:
First of all make the caramel: Put the sugar with the water into the microwave for about 8-9 minutes at high, or until you get the right color you want.
Spread the caramel on the bottom of the mold you're going to use.
Make Custard: Warm the milk with the sugar and the vanilla together (not too hot). Beat the eggs, but not too much. Mix all together and pour it into the mold on top of the caramel.
Cover with plastic film and put into the microwave for about 15 minutes at medium (75%). Let it settle and then cool. Refrigerate overnight before you remove it from the mold.
Poster's Notes:
If you make the cream with hot milk, you will get holes like in cheese.
Posted by Marianne Kauffman
Nutritional Info Per Serving: N/A