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450g (1 lb.) peeled carrots
450g (1 lb.) sugar
1 teaspoon ground ginger
25g (1 oz.) ground almonds
50 to 100g (2 to 4 oz.) chopped nuts
Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Place in a thick-based saucepan with the sugar, and place on an asbestos mat over a very gentle heat. Stir until the sugar has dissolved and continue cooking very slowly, stirring continuously until all the moisture has been absorbed by the carrot and the mixture becomes very thick.
Stir in the ginger and ground almonds, keeping the sides of the pan clear of the mixture. Test a little on a plate and if it sets stir in the nuts and remove the pan from the heat. Spread quickly on a damp board or in a flat tin and when cool mark into squares. When cold, break into pieces and allow to dry before storing in a tin.
Posted by Avril Gatoff
Nutritional Info Per Serving: N/A